Sharing a post I wrote up on Facebook on July 9, 2018: Alright, it’s about time I put this out there. This is truly from myself, and I alone... yes, from Bobby. Over the past few years (at least), I have had this inner voice telling me that there is something out there for me. What it is or where it is, I do not know, but it’s out there... somewhere. When I was younger, I remember times when I would sit in my parent’s kitchen and tell my mom how frustrated I was because I felt like there was something calling me, something big, like maybe finding a cure for some incurable illness. I know that the profession that I am in now won’t exactly take me to that accomplishment, but certainly I know I can and still want to and need to do something of the sort. It is difficult though, especially when we get caught up in day to day responsibilities, leaving little to no time to actually dedicate to such a cause. And on those unique days when the opportunity presents itself, all I hear are tho...
Well here it is: My first blog. Hopefully this evolves into what I expect to become a history of my thoughts, ideas, and observations of my life and those around me. Being relatively new to blogging, this will start out pretty basic and (likely) boring in the beginning. However, don't give up on me! I hope that someday these writing become a guide map or at least breadcrumbs down a path to see where I came from and where I am going. It isn't going to be easy, but from what I hear, it only gets better with time. So subscribe, link, or whatever you need to do to keep tabs on my blog, and please leave any constructive criticism in the comments below. Wish me luck, it's going to be a long ride...